Thursday, November 3, 2016

Becoming One

Hello everyone! In class this week we talked a lot about the physical intimacy that is a such a special part of marriage. One thing that really stuck out to me was that the act of physical intimacy or sex should be a very selfless experience for both the husband and wife, and in fact married couples say that when they were purely focused on their spouse and their spouse's needs those were the times that they both felt the best. Part of making this so selfless and sacred involves understanding each other and communicating effectively with each other. God gave married couples the ability to create children and by doing this you are literally becoming one. You are not only becoming one with your spouse but also with God. This is very important to understand. When you and your spouse have a stronger connection, you and your spouse in turn will have a stronger connection with our Father in Heaven.

Some say that after the first few years of marriage physical intimacy sort of takes a back seat and you don't seem to enjoy that activity as much. Many have studied when the best physical intimacy occurs in a relationship. Surprising to some, the best sex is experienced by those married couples in their 40's and not by those who are just newly weds.

Sorry that this post was a bit more graphic, but I hope that someone learned something.

With love: Sydney

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