Friday, October 28, 2016

Premarital Habbits

Hello Everyone! This week in Family Relations we talked a lot about the transitions one goes through during the first year of marriage. One thing that really stuck out to me was that the habits developed during engagement are the habits that are carried into marriage. This means when your fiance doesn't help with the dishes that person more than likely won't do the dishes when you're married. Communication is so, so key! Communication is one of those habits that is developed in a relationship you can be so happy. Nothing is ever perfect, but things will be much better. If something is bothering you the best way to fix it is to address it. I know that is a really hard concept to put into practice, but every time I decide to address my problems and frustrations I can the resolve my issues a lot faster and with less unnecessary drama.

I hope everyone has a great week! 

With love: Sydney

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