Saturday, October 22, 2016


Hello Everyone! This week we talked about relationships and dating and falling in love and stuff which for me is a really interesting topic. Something that stuck out to me this week was that going on dates needs to be a ginormous priority! Not hanging out or any of that, but actually going on dates. We learned that a lot of people will go on a few dates until they get a girlfriend or boyfriend and then once they are officially "dating" they stop going on dates. That doesn't make any sense to me. The purpose of going on dates is to see how a person acts in different situations. It means doing things that you might not necessarily like doing but your significant other likes that activity. Dating keeps things safe and interesting. Dating should be a priority in courtship, engagement, and marriage.

You might ask "What's the point of dating while you're married?" Well I've learned from my parents, who have made dating a priority, that it lets you and your spouse be alone for a few hours without the kids. You can focus on each other and not have to worry about what's going on at home. It's really relaxing. The dates you do don't have to be very elaborate but they should be thought about and meaningful. By going on dates regularly you and your spouse can grow closer together and you'll be happier.

I hope you all have a great week! Thanks for reading!

With love: Sydney

1 comment:

  1. Great post Sydney! I agree with everything you said! Dating is awesome and your parents are the best at making it happen! They are good examples for us.
