Friday, September 23, 2016


Hello Everyone! I hope your week was great! In my Family Relations class this week we talked about the importance of having children. We learned about the economical benefits and such things, but we also talked about the religious aspect. Our Father in Heaven created this earth for one purpose. For us to bare and raise children. We were asked the question "Who gets to decide how many children I have?" Well that is entirely up to you, your spouse, and the Lord. I would suggest taking this very seriously. It's not just your life that will be blessed. You're blessing the spirit child that is getting a body as well.

I grew up in a big family. I'm the oldest of nine children. I can't imagine my family any other way! Before my parents started having kids they thought they'd have five and that would be good, but when number five came our family still wasn't complete. It was like that until my mom had numbers eight and nine (twins). Now our family is complete.

I hope something I've said has touched someone. I hope you have a great week!

With love: Sydney

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