Thursday, December 8, 2016


Hello Everyone! In class this week we talked specifically about blended families. My thought for this week is a bit different than this, but I feel it is important and needs to be shared. The thing that stuck out the most to me was a phrase that Brother Williams said. He said, "Marriage is not natural..." and he just left it like that for a moment. The class was kind of taken back by that. We all thought, "How in the world is marriage not natural? People do it all the time? What are you saying Brother Williams?" Those were the thoughts going through my head at least. I was confused for a second until Brother Williams continued. He said "Yes, I believe marriage is not natural. It's supernatural. It's Godly." I get it now. The merging of two lives, even in the best of situations, is a lot of work. That's how it's supposed to be. It makes us better people! If we want our relationships to be great we need to make the chose to make them great. Also, even though having a great relationship with your spouse is a choice, it's a two person job. Both people need to be willing to sacrifice and work for the other in order for the marriage to work properly.

I think it's pretty special to be compared to our Father in Heaven, our God. I want to do my absolute best someday to ensure that I have a great marriage, and I'm going to expect the same from my future husband. I know I can do it and I know that everyone else can too if they are willing.

I just want to give a quick shout out to my amazing professor, Brother Williams has taught me so much and I'm so glad I got to participate in this wonderful class! He is so passionate about the family and you can see it every single day. You can tell he has an amazing testimony. I'm grateful for the experience I've had this semester.

With love: Sydney

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